i know i've touched on this before, but there is an extreme sense of satisfaction that comes from being able to visualize an image in my head and then make it happen, often exactly as i pictured it or even better. i think most artists can empathize with this, it takes years to be able to do this for most people. i'm not talking about flowers in a vase, my visions are intense and difficult, and truthfully it's only been within the past few years that i have been able to do it and be happy with the results.
i am very proud to have around me a group of the most ingenious and creative people, we are constantly bouncing ideas and concepts off of each other. when i approached the group about this crazy idea that has occupied a big spot in my brain i was in awe of the response i got. you never know how an idea will be taken or worse, mistaken. instantly the brainstorming began and the planning commenced. this was the biggest joint project i had ever been a part of, let alone been in charge of, so i definitely needed all the help and support to make it happen. the logistics of just finding a date to get that many people together in one place was ridiculously tough. but minus a few members we managed to get a pretty good representation of our own little A-team.
this image, not counting the time it spent in my head patiently waiting in line to get out, took over a month to plan. every detail, what would be included on the table, who would be where, and many other tiny details had to be nailed down before hand so that we could get in, get it shot, and get out in military precision. even after all that quite a few minute items had to be tweaked. but all in all i think the long planning phase made the image stronger in that all those details were taken care of and we had a rough idea when we sat down to shoot.
before i get into the awesome fiasco that was the day of the shoot, i should talk a bit about my inspiration for this image. it's not what you probably think. i have followed the work and career of david lachapelle for many years. his work is shocking and vibrant and super creative. i liken myself to him in that many of his images are not technically perfect but every detail is completely intentional. don't get me wrong, the vast majority of his images are perfect both technically and artistically, but i feel connected to his work because i think i learned a lot from his style and rejection of the idea that beauty is sacred and must be portrayed that way. (there's another secret project in my head along those lines so that's all i'm going to say about that!) anyway, a few years back he shot a rendition of the last supper that has always stuck with me. frankly i don't know the ins and outs of copyright law well enough that i'm not going to try to link to it, you'll have to google it. but it's well worth your time to do so, if for nothing else other than to see where my thoughts for my image came from.
the day of the shoot was predictably chaos. trying to get so many people to find a location most had never been to, getting everything together. finally we were ready to shoot, with a few last minute changes and some casting and position changes, setting up lighting and the remote shutter system, (which was a fiasco in itself) it was time to start making exposures. all 47 of them. it took that many to get everyone where we wanted them, tweak the lighting and camera position, and get it... the image that has lived in my head was now real. well, as real as a digital file can be. i still miss the feel of a sheet of film in my hands, the smell of a darkroom...

i have to give lots of credit here. not only to the people in the image but to a few that helped make it happen without actually being there. first those that are seen in the image from left to right... nic nichols (extra and model), jill stauffer (model and assistant extraordinair), melisha blair (photographer and model), justine hobbs (model), heather frazier (photographer), me, (please don't call me jesus), jessica budinas (photographer, and expert cigar lighter), zac johnson, who might actually be just left of jessica but something tells me you all can tell who is who (photographer), stephanie thede (photographer), catheryn chatham (photographer), kelli janzen (model), and georgia abrams (extra and juggler, i had to note that since i don't know very many)
now on to those that were not in the image. i'm undoubtedly going to forget someone... first the group members that weren't able to be there,(you all suck by the way, except you elizabeth, you had a good excuse) angie davis, elizabeth debusk, emily bryan, jackie wilson, and nicolette sessin. you all better be there for the next one.
also at the shoot but not in the shot were my incredible wife tammy szel, who without her help and understanding i'd be in a mental hospital, and stephanie's wonderful husband who i have no idea what your name is but you rock, nameless man.
ok i'm done. i hope.