Sometimes when I'm walking through a crowd, I'll see someone I think would make a good photo subject. It depends on my mood if I'm actually feeling social enough to approach the person or not. In the past when I have it has yielded some amazing results so I can be pretty brave and walk right up to them. This was not one of those instances... at first.
I met miss Cheyenne at an event I was shooting but I was fairly into my work so I didn't go forward and ask her to model for me. There is also always the "creep" factor for me in the back of my head... it has to be weird for a perfect stranger to walk up and say "hi there. you're beautiful and I'd like to shoot pictures of you!" So I kept on.
I got home with my take from the event, and I had taken a very cute photo of her and it solidified my gut feeling that she would make a great subject, so I did some legwork and tracked her down. She accepted my invitation after a while (after admitting she did initially have some concern!) Fortunately I came with some pretty good recommendation.
I'm very glad she chose to take me up on it, I think you'll agree. It turned out to be a very fun shoot and the resulting photos are proof to me that I can indeed pick good ones! Before we knew it we had been shooting for over three hours. This shoot also gave me a chance to put my newest toy through a good functional test, the vast majority of these were shot with my newly acquired, very well used but still fantastic Canon 1Ds mk2. Only had to break out my 5D a couple times. I would love to hear what you all think. Much love, and much more unconventional photography to come.