It's not often that a client comes to me and says "so I have a truck I would like photographed, and I think
I'd like my plane in the shots as well. Do you know any models that do good pinup work?" It just so happens that I do yes. So I started to put together all the details that are required for a good sized shoot. Made all the contacts, found a time that would work for everyone involved, etc.. etc..., Little did I know that this shoot would prove to be a personal rejuvenation.
First off, it's been a really weird couple of years personally with a bunch of life changes. That itself is more than enough to throw a guy off his game for shooting and it most certainly did. Much better now, thanks for asking. In fact, for those that don't know, I'll be getting married in about a week and a half. That part has actually done a fair share to straighten my head. And I just love saying it.
The next hurdle I've faced for a while is some major gear changes. Major ones. A few years back I decided I wanted to go full frame. I ended up with a Canon 5D mark2. It and I never really meshed. I know, I know, how could I not have made some great work together right? We just didn't. I have no idea why, but I just did not care for it. So we made an amicable split and it found a new home. Replaced by a very old (in terms of electronics anyway) Canon 1Ds mark2. It was love at first click and we had a great time, but it had some issues. Or I did. One of the two. I stumbled on an identical body that had none of the problems, so I snagged it. Again it was love at first click.
Along with changing bodies, I also got the messed up notion that I feel more in touch with prime lenses than zooms and sold all but one, my trusty 70-200 f4 L. You'll have to pry that one from my cold dead hands, and in case of a zombie apocalypse, I'm still coming back for it. I love my primes (fixed focal length vs. zoom for all you non-photo peeps) and I won't be going back. But this adds yet another hitch to my funk I was already in. I hadn't shot with many primes for over a decade and getting used to the "foot zoom", moving forward and back instead of just turning a ring on the lens, was tough. But well worth it.
After all these changes, I got an opportunity to take a job I had always dreamed of. I had the chance to start shooting for my local newspaper, who shall not be named. I absolutely hated it. I never want to shoot another high school sporting event q2qrw (the last word was brought to you by our bunny, Steg, who felt it needed a bunny touch) for as long as I live. That was a big disappointment to me and I momentarily lost my will to live... errr... shoot. (It wasn't that serious people)
Around the same time, I ended up meeting a young (really young) woman that expressed an interest in maybe possibly shadowing me and learning a bit along the way. Yeah sure, whatever. I really have no desire to shoot anything but if and when I do, you can tag along. I hadn't really entertained the idea of taking on a squire since Heather moved away (which I will be forever bitter about (not really)). Michelle and I met a few times, talked some... and it quickly became apparent that I needed this more than I knew. I really love teaching. Maybe it's the masochist in me that just loves challenging others with the vast amount of useless knowledge I've gained, tossed in with the really pertinent information, and watching their little heads melt as they try to sort out which is which. (ask either of them, I'm not kidding one bit about this).
Back to the point. The awesome truck/plane/girl shoot thingy. It was a full house, or pasture more like. Myself, Michelle, the other girl I have started to mentor, slowly, Miss Christine, and then of course the most amazing model, Miss Shanon (complete with hair stylist!). Beautiful skies, plenty of wind, way too much wind in fact. But it was a great night either way. I think we got some pretty great stuff and the client agrees. I don't think he and his wife had any idea what we would go through to make the images we did.
So here's what we did right and what we did wrong. On the above image I'm breaking several of the hard and fast rules of portrait photography. The first one that would be pointed out by many is that Shanon is centered, ignoring the rule of thirds and leaving too much negative space on the right side. So what. It's also way too bright on the left and your eyes may tend to go there first. If your eyes go to the bright area first and not to either Shanon or that amazing truck, you should maybe check out your priorities. These rules are meant to be broken, don't let others tell you any different. The next big faux pas with this photo, I shot it with a 20mm lens. Big mistake according to some, I think I did ok. The full info, in case anyone hasn't fallen out of their chairs yet: Canon 1DS mk2, 20mm lens, iso 50, 1/250th at 2.8. Two snooted yongnuo yn-560 flashes at her, one more open at the side of the truck. no light mods. Next one...
Love this one. Same setup except iso went to 320. 1Ds, 20mm, 1/250th at 2.8. Two lights in front, one behind her in the cab. And one lovely assistant on the other side of the truck holding the translucent disc from my ancient (seriously maybe older than you) reflector to the passenger side window to tame down the direct sun.
Back to iso 50 with no other changes. In love with this conversion.
The only change in this one is the kicker flash got moved to under the dash. Damn.
Ok better hold on tight to those barf bags if you're a big rules lawyer. This one might kill you. This image was shot with a Rokinon 8mm fisheye. (I'll give you a minute to let the room stop spinning... one one thousand, two one thousand...) So, 1Ds, 8mm, iso 125, 1/250th at 5.6. Same two snooted lights looking over the left front wheel.
This may be the only somewhat correct photo I have for you. Shot with a respectable 50mm. 1/250th at f4.
In short, (as if I can be brief, come on) this shoot was a great test for me, my gear,and my assistants. If there is one thing I would love to impart on anyone that's either just starting out or feeling stagnant, it would be to shoot everything. And shoot it in every way you can. Learn the fundamentals, and then ignore them every chance you get. The best thing I feel I've done for myself is to stop listening to what others have to say. Input is great, but take it for what it is, another person's opinion. When you start letting that change the way you shoot or WHAT you shoot, you are no longer working to satisfy your own artistic need and creativity. Fuck conformity. As always, I love you guys. I hope you enjoy these and please feel free to share your thoughts with me. Just don't be offended when I don't change.